


Picasso's Ex Libris for the
literature nobel prize
winner Camilio José Cela.
It is shown on the
Fundación Cela (Cela
Foundation) website, on
the El Legado (The
Legacy) section:

Links to websites regarding the Ex Libris or bookplates: 


bulletDirectory of International Exlibris Competitions and web of the Fédération International  (In English):

Next Congress: Istanbul, 25-29 August 2010

Rules International Ex-Libris Competition. Istanbul 2010

International Directoriy Ex libris Competitions

F.I.S.A.E.  International Federation of Ex libris Societies. - Congress


bulletLink with the Web of the Catalan association of exlibrists (*) which publishes an excellent magazine (in Catalan), one of whose covers one reproduces in this page. 


           Associació Catalana d'Exlibristes



bulletWebsite of the young Association Andalusian of Exlibrists (*), in whose elaboration I have had the honor to participate in January of the 2003. 


c/. Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores, 13  - Telf. (34) 95 466 11 64

E-41006 Sevilla (Spain)


bulletSite containing over 102 Ex Libris elaborated by many contemporaries artists as a homage to Berliner philosopher Walter Benjamin (1.892-1.940) (On Catalonian, Spanish and on several other languages):



bulletOn July 2000 I found that, on Argentina, there's an important active focus on creation and distribution of the ex libris. I'm talking about the following carving association, whose website deserves a careful inspection (Spanish language):



bulletLink with a Czech Web of exlibrists (in Czech, English and German):



Site with abundant information and links about the Ex Libris and heraldic bookplates. It has a section where all worldwide exlibrist associations with available websites are listed (In English):

           The Art of the Ex Libris



I present you two Italian webs with whose authors I have become certain relationship. They are as charming as their sites:

           Anubi Art  di Giorgio  

           Sito di Enrico e Cinzia  

           and others:

           Gli Ex Libris di Luca Malagoli   

           Authors of several countries Collection 



Curious collection of chess-related ex libirs (English language):

Gallery 1,   Gallery 2,   Gallery 3 ,    Gallery  4


bulletNice Ex Libris and bookplate sample on this site from the Arizona University's Library (In English):

           Gifts and Exchanges


bulletHungarian ex libris collection (1920-1930) brought to us from Canada:

Hungarian Ex Libris



When I had this website finished and posted, I checked the "Ex Webis" acronym on the Altavista search engine, with no results. Next, I checked for "Ex Webis" and I found a single website, a quite singular site. Upon access, I came up to a blank page with the following text on a big font: "Since my fingers are weak and my brain soft, I blew it, and have deleted the pages. Sorry. I'll fix this soon" (The original, in Spanish, was the following: "Como tengo los dedos flojos y el cerebro reblandecido la he preparao (sic) y he borrado las páginas. Perdón. Subsanaré el error en breve tiempo").

Suddenly, popping up from the upper left corner, comes a winged skull with the legend "Ex Webis Vidal Gª MCMXCVII". As long as the contrary is proven, this is the first known Ex Webis:


            Ex Webis of Vidal García



Several days later (June-282000) I found another site in the web "Deleted by Vidal Garcia's weak fingers" (In the original Spanish text: "borrada en su día por los dedos flojos de Vidal García"). An interesting site about literature, tango and paella recipes, among other subjects, which keeps the skull Ex Webis:

Website of Vidal García


The new Ex Webis:

I present you the first Ex Webis created and placed in a  website assisting my proposal. WELCOME!. It has been elaborated and placed in their site by José-Ramón Blanco, poet and artist plastic of Extremadura who in a few days my friendship has been won:

          Foro de Poesía


 José Manzano


gufocincia.jpg (31535 bytes)

Beautiful copy that illustrates the cover of the Italian site of Enrico & Cinzia.

exAlfonsoXIII.jpg (21365 bytes)

Heraldic book elaborated by A. de Riquer (1904) for Alfonso XIII, king of Spain, and that it is been in the excellent web  The Art of the Ex Libris.

Front cover of the 21st
number of the magazine
published by the
"L'Associació Catalana
Exlibrist Association),
settled in Barcelona.

ExPavaroti.jpg (15073 bytes)

Pugachevsky's creation
for Luciano Pavarotti
published on La
Vanguardia on


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Ex Libris and Ex Webis Artists Gallery  /  Gallery of Ex-Owls

